About Us

Unleash your talent and give a wing to your dream. We are here to shape your zeal!

Combining Music, Performing Art & Extracurricular Education Online Since 2020

We believe everyone has some talent and each one of us is an artist, we just haven’t discovered that yet. Talentze.com gives you the opportunity to choose from our varied range of music, art, hobby and educational lessons and classes and unleash your passion, give a wing to your dream, discover your hidden talent with us. We will be super happy to be in the journey with you and assist you along the way.

Our Story

Talentze.com is a dream-project of Indian composer and conductor Maestro Michael Makhal. Before Talentze, he created the online music studio musiclesson.in to bring together music learners and Western Classical music Maestros from around India in one platform and provide quality online music lesson service. Talentze.com is for a larger audience, it intends to provide high quality service globally within a thoughtful fees structure. Maestro Makhal always wanted to form an international community where unique and niche subjects, as well as widely loved hobbies, music lessons, performing art classes and varied range of trending courses of the 21st century would be offered under one terrain and give everyone the space to discover their talent, skill and passion under proficient and professional guidance. 

Our Mission

We believe everyone is an artist and gifted with some unique talent or skills, they just haven’t discovered that yet. We want to be the leading hands to our learners and help them to unfold the creative, imaginative person hidden inside them. We want to guide every young and adult student with our tailored teaching method to be inventive, lively, and confident through the lessons and enjoy learning with a steady progress.

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